Alexander Nagorny
Chief Product Officer
Kolesa Group

Alexander has 13 years of experience in tech, product development, UX and AI. He implemented an efficient product approach at Kolesa Group and achieved impressive results. In just two years, he went from project manager to CPO and Head of Design.

Alexander played a key role in developing Kolesa Group products over 7 years, leading to a tripled increase in websites and apps traffic. The classifieds section became the top-ranking platform nationwide, with #1 positions in auto and real estate classifieds in Kazakhstan, and #1 in automotive classifieds in Uzbekistan.

Under Alexander's leadership, Kolesa Group established itself as a data-driven team with a strong corporate culture. They are dedicated to developing user-friendly products that reshape the industry and improve people's lives.


Customer Driven Business Models and How AI Creates Opportunity

The Kolesa Group works with customers at every part of the journey from starting the search through to completion of the transaction.  They are now the market leader by taking this holistic approach to working with customers.

In this session, Chief Product Officer Alexander Nagorny discusses how they have implemented this end-to-end customer-centric approach, how AI has the power to increase the quality of services, and all these technologies can create a virtual real estate agency.